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Reusable packaging

From the factory to your feet, only one packaging is used

Today in France, packaging used for commercial purposes represents nearly 2.2 tons of plastic each year. Being fully aware of the environmental issues currently being played out for our planet, Atelier St Eustache has therefore questioned the packaging of its products. Indeed, this component must be taken into consideration although the overuse of packaging is often forgotten in the face of the qualities of the product sold.

In line with our commitment to responsible consumption of plastic and packaging, we are delighted that our socks use a single packaging from the moment they are manufactured until the moment you receive them.

In this sense, we are in line with the anti-waste law in force since 2020, providing for the end of single-use plastic packaging by the end of 2040.

Our pouches are reusable

Because yes, you can reuse the pouch of your socks according to your desires and ideas.
Makeup bag, pencil case or even swimsuit bag, so many possibilities to give it a second life .
Here are some ideas: 

A map to dream and decorate

We also designed our thank you cards so that you can keep them without throwing them away. That's why we're slipping you a card full of dreams and motivation to keep close to you.